Discover the Healing Power of Integrative Cancer Care Today!

at Chambers Clinic in Scottsdale Arizona

Take the first step towards your journey to health.

Welcome to a new approach to cancer care. At the Chambers Clinic, we believe in integrating the best of naturopathic treatments and medical oncology to improve patient outcomes. With over 20 years of experience in naturopathic medicine, Dr. Jake Psenka is considered an expert in providing naturally based integrative oncology services

Our integrative cancer therapy utilizes specific strategies that work in synergy with your body's natural defenses, including

Integrative cancer therapy utilizes the best of both naturopathic treatments and medical oncology to improve patient outcomes. People fighting cancer using an integrative approach to treatment typically experience improved outcomes and a higher quality of life. Integrative cancer therapy can include:

  • Minimizing conventional treatment related adverse effects

  • Specific dietary strategies that can weaken cancer cells while promoting health to the person

  • Preventing cancer treatment resistance

  • Immune stimulation and support

  • Medication repurposing & targeted supplementation

  • Mind-body medicine

Integrative cancer medicine often involves a team of medical practitioners working together for the benefit of their patients.

An experienced naturopathic doctor plays an integral role in helping patients form the best care plan for each patient’s individual needs.

One very important aspect of naturopathic medicine that has particular importance in oncology is the belief that a physician should work to educate patients about their health concerns. Too often people with a new diagnosis of cancer are rushed into treatment without knowing what cancer or cancer treatment really are. This can unnecessarily exaggerate feelings of helplessness and despair. Further, in the rush to treat quickly, people receive little or no information about the tremendous benefit that integrative therapies can provide. When a person receives an education about their disease and all the available treatments, that person becomes empowered and gains the confidence to become an active participant in their care own care. ​

People who are actively involved in their own treatment feel stronger, have a higher quality of life, and often have better responses to treatment.


How We Personalize Every Treatment

We believe in empowering our patients through education, ensuring that you are actively involved in your own treatment. Our approach is personalized, not one-size-fits-all. We understand that each patient's journey is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your individual needs

In my practice I have many years of experience with all types of cancer and at all stages of disease, from new diagnoses to stage IV metastatic disease. I am well-versed in conventional care modalities and the best ways to integrate natural, alternative, and precision medicine into treatment plans. I treat all my patients as unique individuals with personalized needs; I do not adhere to a “one-size fits all” treatment philosophy. ​I am proud to have been working with people fighting cancer for twenty years providing education, confidence, and the highest quality of integrative care. To learn more about what I offer patients and to make an appointment call my office today.

Specialized Cancer Testing

Making the right cancer treatment decisions depends on having the best information. Laboratory testing can not only detect the presence of cancer at a truly microscopic level but can also analyze a person’s complete cancer genome.

The ability to find cancer at a microscopic level is particularly important for those with a high risk of developing the disease, as well as for those looking for the best way of monitoring their remission. These tests can find cancer before traditional imaging studies can. ​It is now possible to check for the presence of cancer without having an actual biopsy.

This new ability is referred to as a “liquid biopsy.” These tests often require nothing more than a simple blood draw. Once the blood is collected specialized testing is done that examines the sample for circulating tumor cells or cell-free DNA which can indicate the presence of cancerJust as every person is unique, every person’s cancer is unique.

Technology exists today which makes it possible to determine the best treatment options for everyone's unique cancer based on that person’s cancer genetics. This testing can predict which treatments, both conventional and naturopathic, have the best chance of producing excellent treatment results.

This sort of precision oncology testing can additionally be used to inhibit cancer treatment resistance and maximize the benefits of using an integrative treatment approach.

Do Tumor Biopsies Cause Cancer to Spread?

Biopsy may increase the chance that a tumor will spread through a process commonly referred to as tumor seeding. If a tumor capsule is penetrated, either by surgery or a needle, there is a risk that some cancer cells may escape and promote metastatic disease. Breast cancers in particular seem to have a higher risk for tumor seeding. While there is still research needed in this area, the use of liquid biopsy can help to minimize risk.

Clinical Example: Suspected Prostate Cancer

Suspicion of prostate cancer is usually preceded by an increased prostate specific antigen (PSA) level or the presence of symptoms such as the need to urinate multiple times during the night. Men with suspicion of prostate cancer are generally referred to a urologist for a prostate biopsy. Many men are hesitant to have a prostate biopsy due to concerns about spreading a cancer, the prostate being in a sensitive part of the body, or the possibility of a non-cancerous cause for the elevated suspicion. In fact, about 75% of prostate biopsies are negative indicating that many individuals undergo this invasive procedure unnecessarily.

It is in these cases where a non-invasive blood-based test can be utilized. These tests have a reported sensitivity of 96.4-100% and a specificity of 97.9-100%. In other words, they are very accurate. ​This new type of non-invasive liquid biopsy testing is now available for many solid tissue cancers.

Early Cancer Detection / Cancer Risk Reduction

The World Health Organization estimates that up to 50% of cancers can be prevented. In the US that equates to nearly a million people who could avoid a cancer diagnosis by taking preventative measures. There are obvious risk factors that can predispose a person to developing cancer such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor dietary habits, and radiation exposure. Other less obvious risk factors include environmental toxicity, infection, and even stress levels.

Through analysis of personal and family health histories, diet and lifestyle, and laboratory testing it is possible to identify risk factors that could elevate a person’s risk. With this information a detailed plan outlining the steps that can be taken to minimize and even eliminate those adverse risks.

Preventing Cancer Recurrence / Monitoring

One of my favorite things to do as an integrative physician is to help people minimize their risk of cancer recurrence. Preventing recurrence is an area of medicine that many patients know too little about. Research now shows that specific lifestyle habits can significantly reduce the chance of cancer from returning.

In addition to using lifestyle medicine such specific dietary recommendations, promoting beneficial mental and emotional health, adequate physical activity, and encouraging avoidance in the case of tobacco or excessive alcohol use, much more can be done. ​Through an in-depth analysis of a person’s family and personal medical history, lifestyle habits from before and after their cancer diagnosis, as well as specific laboratory testing it is now possible to uncover specific risk factors that could contribute to a recurrence. Advances in laboratory testing now allow the detection of individualized risks. Armed with this information an anti-cancer plan can be devised and implemented to minimize and eliminate excess risk.

In addition to minimizing risk, it is also important to be vigilant about testing for recurrence. Traditionally, imaging studies and laboratory testing are used to monitor for recurrence. Currently, non-invasive testing methods are available that allow for the detection of cancer at a molecular level, often before imaging studies or traditional lab tests can detect a problem. As with any health issue, the sooner it is detected and treated, the better.

Intensive Treatment Programs

I have been offering 3-week intensive treatment programs since 2002. These programs are best suited for people who have recently been diagnosed with cancer, those who are experiencing a recurrence, as well as those who have completed conventional care. ​

A new diagnosis of cancer can be extremely difficult to navigate. For many people this is their first experience inside the world of medicine. In addition to the stress and anxiety that accompany the diagnosis, people are directed to see multiple doctors, undergo a number of medical tests and procedures, and make treatment decisions, all while not completely understanding what their diagnosis or their treatment options are.

One of my favorite things to do as an integrative physician is to help people minimize their risk of cancer recurrence. Preventing recurrence is an area of medicine that many patients know too little about. Research now shows that specific lifestyle habits can significantly reduce the chance of cancer from returning.

In addition to using lifestyle medicine such specific dietary recommendations, promoting beneficial mental and emotional health, adequate physical activity, and encouraging avoidance in the case of tobacco or excessive alcohol use, much more can be done. ​Through an in-depth analysis of a person’s family and personal medical history, lifestyle habits from before and after their cancer diagnosis, as well as specific laboratory testing it is now possible to uncover specific risk factors that could contribute to a recurrence. Advances in laboratory testing now allow the detection of individualized risks. Armed with this information an anti-cancer plan can be devised and implemented to minimize and eliminate excess risk.

In addition to minimizing risk, it is also important to be vigilant about testing for recurrence. Traditionally, imaging studies and laboratory testing are used to monitor for recurrence. Currently, non-invasive testing methods are available that allow for the detection of cancer at a molecular level, often before imaging studies or traditional lab tests can detect a problem. As with any health issue, the sooner it is detected and treated, the better.

Prevention-Based Executive Examination

“What would you do?” This is a question that I frequently get asked in the office. This question is also the reason I began offering Prevention-Based Executive Examinations.

Many people receive only the most basic annual laboratory checkup that is based only on what is going on with that person at that point in time. Rarely are people given the opportunity to really get an individualized and in-depth laboratory assessment based not only on what is happening at the present time, but also with a focus on identifying potential future problems as well.

Considering laboratory results with a person’s health concerns, their family history, lifestyle choices, physical exams, biometric assessment, and imaging, the most detailed analysis health can be provided. With this information recommendations can be given that promote health in the present and into the future.​

To answer the question “what would I do?” This is what I do.

Naturopathic Medicine

The Original Patient-Centered Care

The past 30 years has seen an extraordinary increase in consumer demand for safe, effective, and cost-effective natural health care. Naturopathic medicine has emerged as the health-care profession best suited to meet this demand, with naturopathic doctors trained in the art and science of both natural and conventional medicine. Naturopathic medicine is recognized as one of the original systems of medicine offering safe, effective patient-centered care that is a vital part of healthcare in the twenty-first century. Modalities:​​

To learn more about naturopathic medicine, whole-person healthcare, and naturopathic medical training, practice, and licensure click HERE


“After being diagnosed with prostate cancer, I decided to seek independent advice and possible treatment in Arizona. He helped me digest the mountains of information and advice that I’d received from well-meaning naturopaths, urologists, family physicians and friends, as well as the multitude of reading that I had done on the subject. I recommend that you contact him if you find yourself in this dilemma. To this day, we continue to rely on his advice.

*** P.S. I am now 12 months free of cancer!”

“I first met Dr. Psenka after I finished my 3rd round of chemo for metastatic breast cancer. Our initial interview lasted over and hour and Dr. Psenka acted as though he would stay there all day if that is what it took to get all my questions answered. He has an incredible grasp of the mechanics of my disease and was very informative on what immune support, nutrition. and treatment he would recommend. I wish I would have started with his regime at the onset of my breast cancer, as I feel the outcome would have been different. I am stable now and my last PET showed no activity in my bone lesions. The nutritional support has kept me as healthy as one could be having the chemo/radiation that I’ve had. I work full time and lead and active life. I see my oncologist regularly, as well as Dr. Psenka. I feel this gives me the best advantage I am going to have to survive. I would encourage anyone with an early diagnosis of cancer to consider alternative therapies along with their chemo. Dr. Psenka and his staff are a great team and a remarkable resource to help anyone through this difficult diagnosis.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does the Program Consist of For a New Cancer Diagnosis?

A new diagnosis of cancer can be extremely difficult to navigate. For many people this is their first experience inside the world of medicine. In addition to the stress and anxiety that accompany the diagnosis, people are directed to see multiple doctors, undergo a number of medical tests and procedures, and make treatment decisions, all while not completely understanding what their diagnosis or their treatment options are.

What Does the Program Consist of For a Recurring Case?

In cases where cancer returns then using a comprehensive, integrative approach can provide the best solution for eliminating the recurrent disease. Recurrent disease happens when some of a person’s cancer cells are not eliminated by the initial treatments. This is often referred to as drug resistance, or multidrug resistance. In these cases, cancer cells have “learned” how to escape the effects of the drugs.There are known mechanisms for drug resistance and inhibiting these escape routes, combined with specific individualized treatments aimed at increasing the effectiveness of therapy that can lead to improved results.

What if I am in Remission?

Finishing conventional cancer care is often a double-edged sword for many people.  While completing therapy and achieving NED status (no evidence of disease) is cause for celebration, most experience anxiety about what their next move should be.  Many people are simply instructed to have repeat blood work and imaging in three months and then sent on their way.  Some are provided with instruction to “eat a healthy diet,” without being advised to what that actually is.  Most people are sent out of the office without any instruction on the numerous research-based actions they can take to help prevent recurrent disease.  There is a great opportunity for people to be educated about what they can do to prevent the return of cancer, gain confidence that they are being proactive, and to be an active part of their recovery. 

Office: 20801 N Scottsdale Rd., Suite 205

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Call (480) 903-8457

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